Following a suffocatingly dominant Formula 1 season from Red Bull, fans of the sport hope to get a more exciting 2024. Well, we got what we asked for, and the season has not even started — Lewis Hamilton has signed for Ferrari in 2025.

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The unpredictability of the driver’s market in the months before the season starts, commonly known as “silly season”, often includes many wild speculations about potential transfers. We’d already started getting some grounded updates with Charles Leclerc and Lando Norris extending their contracts at Ferrari and McLaren. So, when I first saw rumours about Lewis Hamilton in talks with Ferrari, I dismissed them as nothing more. Less than a day later, it was confirmed to be true.

The 7-time F1 World Champion had already signed with Mercedes for 2025, but it seems Lewis did not want to pass on a chance to drive for the Prancing Horse in the pinnacle of motorsport. He has reportedly signed a multi-year contract and will be replacing Carlos Sainz and will be partnering with Charles at the ripe age of 40.

Right Man For Ferrari?

The last time Scuderia Ferrari won a title was the same year Hamilton won his first driver’s title. Since then Lewis has won 6 more of those and driven Mercedes to 8 consecutive Constructor’s titles. There is no more impressive resume for an active racer in this sport and except for the last two years, Ferrari has always had a world champion in its driver lineup. There is perhaps no better candidate, on merit, for a seat in the Scarlett Ferraris. 

But Formula 1, like any job, is not just about merit. The right driver needs the right car, and he needs to be able to communicate with the team to put together a winning package. While Ferrari has a potential world champion in its ranks with Leclerc, the car has been a less-than-worthy title contender. Then there’s the matter of the horrible strategy decisions from the team, especially concerning pit stops. 

We’ve seen legends like Fernando Alonso and Sebastian Vettel part ways with the Italian outfit after frustrating seasons. Even though the team has shown big improvements in 2022 and 2023, and Hamilton has not won a race with Mercedes since 2021, the issues that permeate the Ferrari garage could still make things difficult.

Personally? Not A Fan

I have considered myself a part of the Tifosi for two decades now and have no love for Hamilton. I respect his driving abilities, but his pretentious preachy attitude makes me want to get rid of my dinner the same way it went in. Now, I have to see him next to my favourite driver from the current grid, acting like he won’t throw a tantrum if he was asked to play a supporting role to Leclerc during a race. I am not even going to get into the cesspool that is the diehard Lewis fanbase that simply makes matters worse.

If Ferrari does manage to sort out their issues and put together a title-winning car in 2025, Charles deserves to win a world championship with the team before Hamilton. Max was able to thwart Lewis’ last attempt to break Michael Schumacher’s record tally of World Driver’s Titles. So, if Hamilton does manage to bag a title with Ferrari, not only would he take away Michael’s record, but he would be doing it with the same company that solidified Schumacher’s place in racing history. 

It’s not that I would rather have Ferrari continue to lose than see Hamilton succeed, but there are deeper storylines at play that I do not wish to see ruined. This does not mean I would have rather have Ferrari continue to lose than watch Hamilton win. If successful, this combination will be bitter-sweet.

What do you make of this massive change in the F1 driver market? Are you also displeased with Ferrari’s latest signing? Or are you excited for the incredibly talented driver lineup for the Italian team in 2025? Let me know in the comment section below.

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